Blogspot domain can generate good traffic

Whether or not ?


You can get a lot of traffic on Blogspot domain. Now let's talk about some misunderstandings that are happening to many people, and yes friends, I am speaking all this from my own experience.

Let's talk about some people who say that .com domain is much stronger than Blogspot domain, let's assume. But some people also say that Blogspot domain does not rank quickly in Google, brothers, I do not agree with this at all.

Today, there are many blogspot domains on Google which are ranking on the first page of Google and at the same time are earning well from Adsense. Which is the domain, which one does not matter. Just your content should be powerful and at the same time you have to have a lot of knowledge about keywords. SEO, Keywords, Title All these things are small and this is the biggest secret of blogging. Whoever understood this, assume that he will be called the king in the world of blogging.

So I would like to say that you do not pay attention to anyone's words and you can bring as much organic traffic from Google to Blogspot domain as possible, or just work hard and do everything possible.