Generations of computer

Generations of computer

In 1946, the introduction of the first electronic device, an vacuum computer with a vacuum tube, provided the basis for the development of a computer.

On the basis of the major changes in the computer, we divide the sequence of this development into the following five generations: -

First Generation of Computers - (1946–1956)

The first generation of computers began in 1946 with the creation of a computer called Eniac.

In this generation of computers, vacuum tubes were used.

  • First generation computers were very large in size.
  • His speed was very slow
  • Memory was also low, hence data could not be stored and stored in these computers.
  • Due to the high cost of these computers, these computers are out of reach of the general public.
  • Used to be based on punch cards.
  • Use of magnetic drum for storage
  • Very fragile and less reliable
  • Use of many air conditioners
  • Programming in machine and assembly languages

Second Generation of Computers: - 1956-1964

After the first generation of computers, the second generation of computers started in 1956. These computers replaced (vacuum tubes) with (Transistor).

The use of transistors provided computers with greater speed and reliability than vacuum tubes.

Computer size also improved after the arrival of the (Transistor). Second generation computers became smaller in size than the first generation computers.

  • Development of high level programming languages ​​like COBOL and FORTRAN
  • Use of storage devices, printers and operating systems etc.

Third Generation of Computers (1965–1971)

The third generation of computers started in 1964. This generation provided IC (IC) to computers.

Size and weight are much less than the first and second generations

  • Portable and easy maintenance
  • Large-scale use of high-level languages

Fourth Generation of Computers (1971–1985)

The fourth generation of computers started in 1971.

Computers from 1971 to 1985 are classified as fourth generation computers.

The coming of the fourth generation marked a new revolution in the computer age.

The size of these computers became very small and the memory increased greatly.

Due to the small size, maintenance of these computers became very easy.

  • Use of Very Large Scale Integration technique.
  • Great reduction in size.
  • Within the purchasing power of ordinary man.
  • More effective, reliable and amazing moving.
  • More memory capacity.
  • Development of various networks of computers.

Fifth Generation of Computers: - 1985 - So far

The fifth generation of computers began in 1985.

Computers from 1985 to now are under the fifth generation. The fifth generation of computers includes powerful and high-tech computers from the present to the future computers.

At the beginning of this generation, computers were interconnected so that data and information could be shared and exchanged.

Comment if you have any suggestions- 😊


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