What is SEO

What is SEO? Where can SEO learn?

To know what SEO is and where to learn it, you can read this article further -

Hello friend, I will tell you how to write SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Friendly Blog Post / Article (SEO Content Writing Best Tips) and On Page SEO and Off Page SEO in proper manner.
 So that your blog post's rank is high.


Remember this, friend. Now you have created a blog, so there are some rules of how you will write your content in it, which you should follow -

Many people get nervous that I do not know SEO, I have not learned SEO, how to use keywords learn it..You SEO by watching a lot of blogs or YouTube videos and practicing it practically. You can learn easily. What you learn in Digital Marketing is told there, which you can read in Online Blogs,nowadays a lot of Blogger, also teach on YouTube, then you should learn from there itself.

Best is that you learn by reading blogs and implement them practically.

To understand this, let us take an example - like a very good librarian, if anyone comes to ask for a book, then he knows where that book is. If someone asks a topic - "Which book is this topic sir?" And the librarian takes out that book and gives it to him.

How can he do this? Have you ever thought .....

He knows which box, which line, which book, which topic is inside it. GOOGLE is also a similar search engine. How he brings right things to you, that he scans every website (it is called CRAWL), and knows which website has written what. So in simple words, GOOGLE looks at your keywords.

People who are searching on google are called keywords.

Such as - "How to Start a Blog", "What is SEO", and "How to do SEO on Blog Post", "SEO Tips", "SEO Blog", "Google Search Engine Optimization", "On Page SEO", "Search Engine Optimization Services", "SEO Tips and Tricks" - some words people search on google and this is called keywords.

If you understood your topic related keywords, that is good thing that people are searching on Google / Bing, then you wrote about it or the keywords which are related to your content (article), then your The chances of Google / Bing Search results going up are increased to a great extent.

You personally know 500-1000 people, you will tell them by sharing your blog post, but if you reach millions of people every day on Google / Bing, then the success ratio of your blog will increase, how much It will be done multiply, we call the process of doing the same thing - SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Meaning that every one of our blog posts for Search Engine in a good way that we do optimization, we call the same process as SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Now you have found the keywords, after which you will write the blog posts / article above that keywords, then you will have to follow some rules to write it, only then people will be able to find your article.

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