
Showing posts from July, 2020

Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing ? Why is it so important? Let me give you information about the fundamentals of digital marketing and other tools that come in it and also its benefits. What is digital marketing? In earlier times people used posters and advertisements to sell their goods and services.You used to see different types of advertisements on the streets, on television, in newspapers.Now all those things are done online through the Internet, the same online add and publicity is called digital marketing. What you see online ad nowadays are digital marketing. Why Digital Marketing Is Important? In today's time, most of the people who use online services are connected to the internet and if you have to reach them, then you also have to take your publicity online. Now there is no time for anyone to go and investigate everything on their own, then they now take the support of internet and gather their information. You have to get a new car or a new phone, what do you do most? You do...

What is SEO

What is SEO ? Where can SEO learn? To know what SEO is and where to learn it, you can read this article further - Hello friend, I will tell you how to write SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Friendly Blog Post / Article (SEO Content Writing Best Tips) and On Page SEO and Off Page SEO in proper manner.  So that your blog post's rank is high. "CONTENT IS KING AND PROMOTION IS QUEEN" - Remember this, friend. Now you have created a blog, so there are some rules of how you will write your content in it, which you should follow - KEYWORDS & SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Many people get nervous that I do not know SEO, I have not learned SEO, how to use keywords learn it..You SEO by watching a lot of blogs or YouTube videos and practicing it practically. You can learn easily. What you learn in Digital Marketing is told there, which you can read in Online Blogs,nowadays a lot of Blogger, also teach on YouTube, then you should learn from there itself. Best is that you learn ...

free blogging

Why do people fail and not succeed in Blogger ? "Bloggers have the same rules as those who fail, some people succeed but have a different perspective".  Bloggers at Blogger make all the mistakes that should not be done, none of which should be done. Here are some questions from a blogger who starts a blog: How many days does blogging start earning ? How much can you earn in a month from blogging ? How to earn a thousand dollars a day from blogging ? My blog is on Blogger, not getting ad sense approval from Google? How to get ad-sense approval on blogger quickly? There are many questions to answer which are also worth wasting your time. People who ask such questions do not really have any attachment to blogging, but are looking for money without doing anything and get immediate answers to their questions, thousands of blogs and YouTube channels are populated on the internet which states That you started today, blogging and money started coming from yesterday. Started my blog ...

Topic Ideas

Do blogs have to be written on only one topic? You can write a blog on multiple topics,  But now in 2020 if you create your blog on 1 Single Topic,then Google gives more priority to your blog because if you write on a single topic then you have an authority build. If you want to succeed in blogging in 2020 , then you will definitely have to build an authority, then only then you will get success. If you cover multiple topics, like you also write poetry, write articles related to tech and also write news, then it is a simple matter that google and your users will also be confused about which particular topic this blog is on.  Finally, therefore I would like to tell you that you write articles in Detailed from beginning to end about one topic, so that if a user comes to your blog, then he can easily get the answers of all his questions. Google likes this blog very much and your user also comes to your blog again. Today is such a time that if you understand the intent of the use...

Generations of computer

Generations of computer In 1946, the introduction of the first electronic device, an vacuum computer with a vacuum tube, provided the basis for the development of a computer. On the basis of the major changes in the computer, we divide the sequence of this development into the following five generations: - First Generation of Computers - (1946–1956) The first generation of computers began in 1946 with the creation of a computer called Eniac. In this generation of computers, vacuum tubes were used. First generation computers were very large in size. His speed was very slow Memory was also low, hence data could not be stored and stored in these computers. Due to the high cost of these computers, these computers are out of reach of the general public. Used to be based on punch cards. Use of magnetic drum for storage Very fragile and less reliable Use of many air conditioners Programming in machine and assembly languages Second Generation of Computers: - 1956-1964 After the first generatio...

Blogging Mistakes

10 Blogging Mistakes Mistake 1: Not selecting the right topic Whenever a person takes his first step in the field of blogging , he has no idea of ​​which topic he should make his blog on, which causes him a problem just a few days after starting the blog. . A new blogger often starts a new blog inspired by someone, even if he does not have an interest in it. And in such a situation, he starts facing many problems, which makes him difficult to publish the post after some time. Mistake 2: delayed posting This is a very common mistake, although it is not a big deal for the beginning blogger and it is also natural that due to lack of information, one cannot publish daily articles like a professional, or it does not In the beginning of blogging , neither do you get money nor good response. Due to which the interest level of the new blogger is also very low. If you do not post daily, it takes more time to grow your blog, and running in Google is not too fast. And there will not much traf...